Saturday, October 25, 2008
Within the past three years we have learnt a lot about the vengefully irrational partisan and religious hatred that Iranian dictator Makhmud Ahmadinejad has exercised against Israel.
Mr Ahmadinejad has a major league problem with coexisting with a sovereign republic that treat their Muslims INFINITELY BETTER than his country treat THEIR Jews!
Let us examine some of the incriminating evidence against Mr Ahmadinejad:
In April 2006 Ahmadinejad announced plans to contribute US$50m to fund the terrorist-riddled Palestinian Authority after Western nations withdrew aid in the wake of the terror group Hamas winning elections held in that part of Israel three months earlier. His foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced Iran's determination to help the Israeli Arabs.
In December 2005 Ahmadinejad dismissed the reality of the Holocaust of Nazi Germany as a myth, suggesting the relocation of Israel to Canada, Alaska, the United States, or Europe.
In October 2005 Ahmadinejad claimed that all hurdles for Iranian nuclear development had been cleared --- and that no power could stop him.
In May 2007 Iran were reportedly within three years of a nuclear bomb.
And the crown jewels of the lot: Not only has Ahmadinejad called for "wiping Israel off the map" --- he has even made the same threat against the United States too!
Near the end of June 2007, National Intelligence Director Admiral Michael McConnell exposed a clear pattern of Iran supporting Iraqi terrorists attacking Coalition forces with roadside and other homicide bombs.
A January 2007 Karbala attack by Shia Muslims who as it turned out were trained by the Quds Forces.
In November 2007 it was discovered that Iranian chemical and biological weapons, under even greater secrecy than their nuclear programme, could deliver their dangerous toxic payloads to Iraq, Israel, and even the United States.
In February Iran announced the launch of a "research rocket" that was launched from what turns out to be a missile development site where missiles capable of striking targets 6000 kilómetros away were under development.
In April Iran announced the installation of 6000 nuclear centrifuges, thus trebling their uranium enrichment capacity.
A suspicious report about Iran's nuclear capabilities was found to have been crafted by former State Department officials instead of senior United States intelligence intelligentsia. And Iranian officials have condemned the independent media news website NewsMax and condemned Israel/Syria talks.
Ahmadinejad is not alone, either, as we will find. Take for instance Hashemi Rafsanjani, who served as president from 1989 to 1997, affirming that Hitler SAVED EUROPE!
And other nations have obviously noticed, too: On 17 September 2007 French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner advised that a nuclear Iran would be a grave danger to the world. In fact some of the American Embassy hostages held in captivity for more than 14 months even claimed Ahmadinejad was one of their captors!
When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visited France in October 2007 newly-elected president Nicholas Sarkozy concurred with Olmert about the need to stop Iranian nuclear aspirations.
Last fall, Bahranian Crown Prince Prince Salman BinHamad BinIsa AlKhalifa became the first Arab leader to lodge a claim about Iran developing nuclear weapons.
Israel in fact expressed a fact contrary to CIA sentiment, that Iran are still continuing their nuclear programme...though Iranian defectors have been known to provide crucial information about nuclear programmes.
Our own president, George Walker Bush, warned of war with Iran last October, citing the need to prevent Iran from having necessary knowledge for arms construction. At the same time, Iraqi Military Commander General David Petraeus lodged an accusation against the Iranian ambassador to Iraq being allied with the terrorist gang called the Quds force. Subsequently the United States Government levied new sanctions against Iran. Zogby would confirm growing American sentiment favouring strikes on Iran shortly afterward.
Even Dennis Ross, a Middle Eastern peace process developer, has warned of a nuclear Iran.
Is it any wonder the US State Department have called Iran the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism? The Defence Secretary Robert Gates has warned about Iran's dogged determination to get nuclear arms!
A treasonous university president in New York City refused to rescind the invitation for Ahmadinejad to speak --- and consequently a number of Jewish groups urged mass protests in New York but were subsequently disappointed at the low turnout for such protests. One brave former Embassy hostage, however, questioned the logic in letting someone speak freely on American soil when he does not afford his own people that same freedom.
And Illinois Democrat Senator and Presidential Candidate Barack Obama has called for talks with Iran even as he claims support for Israel, thus raising a number of doubts about where his true allegiances lie.
On the other hand, a number of pundits have assembled their own strategies against Iran --- such as this brave columnist from explaining how to defeat Ahmadinejad, or a great well-known married couple calling for New York's disinvestment from Iran.
And now reports have streamed in that as Iran prepare to attack Israel's nuclear heart, Israel are preparing a pre-emptive strike against Iran --- something that Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney had already considered asking for at the same time Ahmadinejad rejected talks about Iranian nuclear capabilities and millions of his countrymen rallied against Israel. A subsequent assessment by Iran's Judiciary Ayatollah claimed a global referendum against Israel's supposed "illegitimacy" as the capital Tehran's provisional "Prayers Leader" demanded "continued resistance against Israel and the United States". Yet Iranian emissaries have met with Iranian exiles in Europe and America to deliver a controversial message about the Iranian people supporting swift, decisive strikes to the Ahmadinejad regime.
How close are we to seeing Iran facing war with Israel and/or the United States? The idea of an American bombing campaign has been floated before. And Iran clearly have no desire for another hawk in the Oval Office. In fact, just three months ago, Jewish sources made it abundantly clear that military strikes were increasingly likely.Tough beans, Mr Ahmadinejad, you had it coming from the moment you started spewing your anti-Semitic, anti-American horse manure. And if Bush doesn't stop you --- either Macca, Olmert, or even Netanyahu surely will.
And in the most recent days, the Iranians carried out nine missile tests in two days, ostensibly to threaten Israel, who along with the United States slammed the new tests. Allegations have been raised about a doctored photo released by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Some are even questioning the bold claims of the Iranian government about their missiles. Israeli Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak has expressed his support for a strike on Iran.
We are facing an ever more precarious situation in the Middle East where we will have fewer and fewer options. Hemming and hawing over the process needlessly will produce greater risk, will perpetuate danger in the Middle East, and will place us in a number of terror threats.
Iran are clearly emboldened by our current efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, wishing for us to get out of those areas because they have expressed a desire to fill a supposed power vacuum we would supposedly leave.
But this is NOT the time to remain soft. Consider this: We have a number of advanced methods of weaponry we are currently not using against the Taleban in Afghanistan or the likes of AlQaeda and other terror gangs in Iraq. We could easily use some of those methods to take out Iranian military, nuclear, and administrative centres, thus delivering serious neural injury to the Iranian regime promoting totalitarianism in the name of a perverted and radicalised form of Islam.
The Iranian people are yearning for freedom. And maybe it will be only one of the US or Israel...or maybe it will be both simultaneously. Though the idea of both might appear to alienate most Arab nations --- in reality a number of the neighbours of Iran and even Iraq when they were dictated by the late Hussein have had their suspicions and grievances. Some might call it just jealousy, but more enlightened minds see a potential for real peace if Iran are neutralised. Iraq are already on their way to developing into a full-fledged republic rooted in direct democracy like Israel, having held several elections. Hope for Iran still abounds.
But then again, we cannot be sure how this one turns out.
I have to admit, I have total respect for veteran actor Christopher Knight.
The man who played Peter Brady on the late 1960s/early 1970s sitcom, The Brady Bunch, has long since grown up, appearing on the 2000s reality series, My Fair Brady, and even marrying an America's Next Top Model Winner, Adrianne Curry.
On that alone, I am quite impressed.
But all of that pales in comparison to what he just did.
Recently you may have seen him on Celebrity Circus on NBC. On 2 July he made a stunning decision out of regard for his own health and safety.
By resigning from the show before he had wanted to, he basically went out on top, like John Elway, who retired from professional football after a number of years as the iconic Denver Broncos quarterback in the number 7 jersey, then guided his team to two back-to-back Super Bowl championships in the National Football League.
But how he got there was nothing short of inspiring in itself.
First, he attempted the German wheel, which involves a lot of twisting and turning, and when performed well, can be rather graceful.
Unfortunately, Mr Knight experienced a broken arm when he faltered.
Now, for most of us, that could have been the end of the experience.
Not Chris Knight.
He got up, attended an X-ray, learnt of his broken arm, and was quickly assigned a new activity.
Enter the tightrope.
He managed the highwire very deftly, and for a 50-year-old man period, let alone one with a broken arm, he was impressive in the premiere of the series. After taking his walk across the ring he walked back with a lovely woman standing on his shoulders. Now THAT is a classic circus act --- and what a class act he was.
He was graded fairly hard by the three judges at first but the viewers must have thought differently, so he was back the next week.
Where he attempted a unique combination of a fire act and a clown act, teaming with an experienced firehandler in an entertaining routine performed to the Beach Boys classic, Good vibrations. We evidently MUST have been digging his good vibrations and his act, for we gave him enough votes that he was safe.
Last week, he pulled himself up and down a very entertaining and acrobatic act with two other trapeze artists, but with a twist --- the trapezes were attached to bungee straps! He handled himself very impressively to the routine set to the Black Eyed Peas' hit, Let's get it started, and his stellar act started the show for sure. Two of the judges gave him very high scores, with the third drawing jeers for his significantly lower score. But once again enough of us must have thought differently.
Now as it turns out, he was safe, for he obviously had enough votes to continue. Someone else who was about to lose his spot on the show just got a second wind because Chris chose to resign from the act. I won't speculate here, I don't believe in speculation --- when you achieve proficiency in three other circus acts after a broken arm, you deserve total respect.
He lived out a good part of his youthful dream of circus life, and it is good to dream when we are young. Some young celebrities thrust into the spotlight are inhibited for a time in their ability to enjoy their youth, and as they get older they often express themselves in more lavish methods, like Michael Jackson's former home/amusement park, the Neverland Ranch.
And Christopher Knight has lived his by participating in this show, and with the true grit he exhibited in light of the setback he endured during his progress in the series, he has clearly earned my respect. Well done, Chris. Take a bow. You deserve it.
I have been batting this idea around in my head for a number of months.
And admittedly it sounds like it is a nutty idea on the surface.
That said, given the rising costs of energy, including natural gas and electricity and even heating oil, alternative energy sources have caught on in our society, with mixed results depending on the source.
We are now finding that ethanol is a bust given the soaring petrol costs, the skyrocketing animal feed costs (which are heavily corn-based --- corn is a major source for ethanol), and the low impact that ethanol has truly had on our fuel supply.
Some people have failed to understand the inefficient nature of maize-based ethanol and now there is a push to abolish that mandate, even here in Missouri, where I live.
That said, renewable energy sources should not be ruled out completely. Even if it will take a number of months at the very least before we start seeing fuel prices some down to more reasonable levels, homeowners CAN take advantage of the environment --- to their own profit.
The big question is: HOW?
The answer requires multiple solutions.
Let's take a look at some good ideas that are popular.
Solar panels were first noticed in the 1970s as a good source of energy and the technology has improved since. Today you can use solar panels on your rooftop to heat your water --- and improved solar panels are able to heat more water more quickly.
Solar panels are also useful for other necessities like lighting, especially with the new power-efficient fluorescents and LEDs coming onto the scene. Myself, I went all-fluorescent years ago by choice, for economic reasons. However, you should STILL be able to choose your own lightbulb --- and that INCLUDES incandescent. Politicians have already started questioning the Establishment Media's Congress' hostile policy toward Thomas Alva Edison's greatest invention. But back to the subject at hand: You can even buy refrigerators and freezers that run off of solar and wind energy, which are usually expressed in direct current (DC) but can be converted to alternating current (AC) with certain implements. Most conventional electrical appliances, from televisions to computers to microwave ovens, work via AC.
Windpower has become increasingly accessible, to the point where homeowners can easily obtain a wind turbine and set that in their yards.
One major drawback of the wind turbine with its propellers is it can cause lethal injuries to flying birds. Another is you may have to get a variance to exceed the maximum height allowed for residential areas, typically 35 feet, for man-made structures. And then there are the space limitations.
Enter another type of wind turbine that is becoming more commonplace --- the vertical axis wind turbine.
You can purchase VAWTs for use at your urban home, and you can set them up in a small area.
Six VAWTs can easily fit in a 4x8ft area, generating as much as 6000 kilowatts. In a 10x10ft area, you can set up nine --- or even 15 --- turbines, and in a staggered formation at that --- in which the VAWT, whose blade apparatus is actually a drum, like that in an old evapourative cooler (I actually got one of those running again in 2000). The drum spins in any wind direction and does not need to be rotated, unlike the traditional fan-blade turbine.
Thsoe turbines can help your electric bill come down --- in some cases to the point you see a CREDIT --- that means the electric agency PAY YOU for energy PRODUCED when it exceeds that which you consumed.
And the typical mast of the turbine is rather compact --- 30 feet, with the drum running another four feet or so, meaning you are inside the 35ft variance limit. This means that it is even easier still to take advantage of those breezes that cross your property.
Of course, communities could do their part by raising the variance to as much as 50ft. Whilst it is unlikely that most folks will place a structure taller than that, 50 feet will put more --- and taller --- turbines within the limit and maybe even catch stronger breezes. Most wind turbines can handle 160km/h (100mi/h) winds and even stronger, as much as 200km/h (125mi/h).
Communities could also use vertical axis wind turbines in local parks and greenspaces to generate extra energy, helping to power municipal street lights and traffic robots and signals, just as is being done now for solar panels. I can personally attest to a solar-powered pair of signals on each side of an old railway overcrossing just blocks from my home that have replaced traditional electric landlines. Why not place more traffic signals with solar panels and wind turbines, so that even in foul weather, power will not be interrupted, thus making traffic control easier?
Although such applications may be more difficult in built-up old town areas, especially in the downtowns of older and more densely-packed cities like New York and Chicago and Cleveland, even inner-city single-occupancy housing can easily handle those VAWTs --- and the technology will further improve for them with stronger posts being designed even for warehouses and skyscrapers.
Another idea that has hit me is the prospect of creating our own hydroelectric dams on streams that run through our properties and our water gardens. The first half of that may well be more applicable to rural landowners, but still quite useful. In addition to providing a better habitat for aquatic and amphibious fauna, we can create more aesthetic ponds that may even benefit our own personal water supplies.
As for water gardens --- I wish I had thought of this idea years ago when I had a house of my own AND a water garden --- streams and rills could be outfitted with small hydroelectric structures made with paint stirrers with drum heads, and the shafts cut down to fit a structure. Of course a filter will be needed and checked carefully at regular intervals, but the electricity could help power low-power lighting around the ponds and streams and even the plants that line them.
Whilst we may not completely replace coal, natural gas, and even hydroelectric power, we CAN make an impact upon our energy use --- by changing the way we GET our power, by taking matters into our own hands, using our own resources. Initial resources will be fairly expensive, but the payoff will dwarf the investment over time, as you may have to worry less about power restoration after a power outage in the local power grid.
First of all I should state that Independence Day for me started at midnight and continued with me working on some of these articles on this weekend's blog.
But I should ALSO state that I was starting to doze off, because I had been up since 5.30a the previous day, having to go to work on the last day of a two-week temporary assignment at a tinned milk facility on the Missouri-Oklahoma border about 20 miles from my home. When I wrapped that part of it up scrubbing milk residue off of a magnet table I headed in to the temporary agency and picked up a cheque. I was not disappointed by the amount, and figured I could withdraw some of what my regular employer had deposited then combine the two to make a substantive rent payment.
Was I right.
What a sigh of relief that was. Then it was off to the filling station to put $40 worth of petrol in my truck --- almost enough to fill it all the way. That amount would surely have topped off my car which has a smaller fuel tank.
Then I accepted a phone call from my good friend David Cholesterol from Chimpsy Radio, who conducted an interview with me. He was amazed at some of the folks on my profile, but I told him to just add them, baby, as if to paraphrase a slogan from my beloved Oakland Raiders. We also talked about this blog, and I must admit, you are going to be here a while. That show is scheduled to air on 23 July at 8.00p American Eastern Time; he should also have a podcast on his blog shortly afterward. The show will re-air several times before the next show.
But as I worked on more articles on this blog I also started feeling more and more tired. At about 3.30a I finally surrendered and went to sleep.
I was up at about 10.30a to take a shower, check on my email and other stuff, then headed to Big Lots in Webb City, driving the car to get the charcoal and lighter fluid for a barbecue I had also picked up for my mother at Lowes the day before in the truck.
Them Mum barbecued some steaks and prepared some macaroni style. As she was preparing, I grabbed a couple of double cheeseburgers from Hardees and ate them on the way back to Mum's house. Later, I ate everything on my plate but half of my steak then took home some of the leftovers, including the baked beans with sauteed onions.
Then after going home, I took my neighbour to the store and then headed over to the local Independence Day festival.
At Landreth Park, along Murphy Boulevard which runs diagonally through most of Joplin, there is an open-air stage where entertainers perform for a couple of festivals held annually at the park just north of downtown. This year, we had a couple of local acts on stage, Duke Mason, a little man with a big voice, big heart, and big talent, and a local rock band called Rukas.
In between acts I would grab a snowcone with mango flavour, then a plate of funnel cakes --- tiny globs of fried batter covered with powdered sugar --- and also some pop, Sprite and Coke specifically. When I grabbed the Coke I also grabbed a Philly-style cheesesteak sandwich, then sat back down and enjoyed both. I must admit, that was one of the better sandwiches I have had lately.
Then came the big name act of the night, veteran country recording artist Mark Chesnutt, who performed one of his big hits, Bubba shot the jukebox. Along the way he performed some new tracks from a recent CD, a couple of George Jones classics, and after a train passed through just 70 or 80 yards away from the stage, he started into a medley of Johnny Cash classics. He then performed a few more major hits, including It sure is Monday, palying most of his major hits, but not the one that drew me into his music --- Almost goodbye, from the 1994 MCA CD of the same name.
Then after an ambulance cleared the area where fireworks would be shot off it was time for the fireworks, set to patriotic music.
I must admit that we are somewhat complacent as conservatives, compared to how even the most liberal of folks were 100 years ago, let alone the folks that were in place shortly after we won our War for Independence. The more liberal folks of that time would have gladly fought for traditional freedoms, for the concepts spelled out at Independence Hall on a hot summer afternoon in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania so long ago.
Which is a lot different from the most liberal fringe amongst us today. The most extreme leftists want to silence critics of liberalism, simply because they actually have an audience in real talk radio, the one area they have had real problems securing monopoly control with regard to content. Talk radio is one of the few refuges most folks have to the print media and television news --- both of which are overwhelmingly liberal in establishment. That is why Fox News continue slamming MSNBC and CNN in the ratings: Fox News take a more objective viewpoint that CNN and MSNBC evidently cannot handle.
Suffice it to say that as we conclude our Independence Day holiday we need to remember, that this is not merely a day off, but a day that we must remember those who gave their lives so we could live ours in liberty.
In 1970, Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1961-1968. At the time, Congress' goal was to eliminate the ill-affects of organized crime on the nation's economy. To put it bluntly, RICO was intended to destroy the Mafia.
Click Here To Read The Text Of The Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organisations (RICO) Act.
We all know that the American Civil Liberties Union have involved themselves in a number of controversial courtroom decisions in recent years. We have seen them get involved in issues ranging from immigration issues to marriage issues to unborn rights to freedom of speech.
But their voracity toward attacking laws that the people approved in effort to counter some of the more radical problems afflicting our society with some common sense may have gone way too far.
So what does the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act---the RICO Act---have to do with the ACLU's antics? More than you think. And here's one example:
In 2005 the ACLU successfully won the overturn of an Oregon law prohibiting live sex acts. But before you start cheering, understand that they also explain their own motives in their Policy 211: “The ACLU supports the decriminalization of prostitution and opposes state regulation of prostitution”.
There is a sinister side behind this policy: With their opposition to zoning laws and their claim that whatever consenting adults do in private is "their own business" it suddenly becomes more evident that such activity can suddenly become public and next thing you know you have houses of ill repute opening near schools and churches and amusement parks and neighbourhood park.
But wait, you say. What about my right to conduct business like that?
NO! WHAT ABOUT PARENTS' RIGHTS TO RAISE THEIR CHILDREN WITHOUT THAT SORT OF THING CONSTANTLY LOOMING OVER THEIR HEADS? You want to sell pornograhic magazines at corner markets? I have no problem! But this is different!
And speaking of children and sex acts, they even challenged a 1997 Massachusetts law prohibiting the mere possession of child pornography. But for those who do not have the benefit of membership I'll reprint excerpts from that Boston Herald article.
From the Boston Herald, ACLU: New child porn law won't pass high court challenge, 9 December 1997:
QUOTE: John Roberts, executive director of the Boston branch of the American Civil Liberties Union
"Mere possession should not be a crime. This law really sweeps too far, and from an ACLU point of view, this really gets into areas that we believe are protected by the First Amendment."
And the ACLUnatics would even like to see child pornography legalised---which a Supreme Court ruling appeared to favour in their 2004 case that crippled the Child Online Protection Act.
Right off the bat I can tell you of SEVERAL RICO Act violations committed by the ACLUnatics:
Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice)
Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal investigations)
Section 1511 (relating to the obstruction of State or local law enforcement)
Sections 2251, 2251A, 2252, and 2260 (relating to sexual exploitation of children)
In their particular quest for seeking the appeasement of paedophiles and paedophilia and decriminalisation of child pornography the ACLUnatics have dug themselves a deep enough hole that if we had an attorney general with enough balls to indict them we could surely see them hit with no less than seven ways to pursue criminal charges under the RICO Act...and the case would stick like peanut butter to hot toast.
"The law was officially signed by acting Gov. Paul Cellucci at a ceremony yesterday. Under the statute, individuals who are caught with any visual or computer image of a child under 18 engaged in sex acts could be prosecuted as felons.
First-time offenders could be jailed for up to five years if convicted, while second-time offenders could face five years to life imprisonment and those convicted a third time could be jailed for 10 years to life, the law states. "
And that's supposedly not good enough for the ACLU? Hello, I thought that this was the ACLU that cared so much for children's rights when they have problems with schools that won't let them wear "(EDIT) BUSH" tee shirts!
Alas that is the other side of the coin: The ACLU will eagerly protect child molestors claiming it is just a lifestyle choice, denigrating homosexuals and bisexuals by comparing paedophilia to those two groups...and this ON TOP of the ACLUnatics' blind defence of a Marxist agenda concerning LGBT folk!
""There will be zero tolerance for those who dare to dabble in this filth," Cellucci said, adding that Massachusetts was the 43rd state in the nation to enact such a law.
Cellucci was joined at yesterday's signing by the father of 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley, who was kidnapped, raped and murdered in October allegedly by two men branded by authorities as sexual predators.
Curley dismissed the legal concerns about the bill, and said it was a "major step forward in the fight against child predators.""
And guess who is bankrolling the canteen of one of the killers of young Jeffrey Curley?
The Boston Herald reports that Jaynes is now battling efforts by his victim’s mother to uncover whether NAMBLA is bankrolling Jaynes’ prison canteen. There were court affidavits from two inmates claiming Jaynes engages in sex acts in the prison without discipline, shows off his victim’s autopsy and has a fat canteen account courtesy of NAMBLA.
What do the ACLU have in common with the North American Man/Boy Love Association?
From "The ACLU And Nambla: A Match Made In Hell"
"The ACLU is a supporter of NAMBLA, representing the organization in the civil case related to the aforementioned murder. The ACLU is representing NAMBLA PRO BONO. Their official position: “In representing NAMBLA, the ACLU does not advocate sexual relationships between adults and children. What we do advocate is robust freedom of speech. This lawsuit strikes at the heart of freedom of speech. The defense of freedom of speech is most critical when the message is one most people find repulsive.” "
Want to know how Jeffrey Curley was murdered? Get ready for this, from the same source:
"Charles Jaynes, 25, reportedly viewed the group’s web site shortly before the killing of Jeffrey Curley, a 10 year old boy, slain in 1997. Jaynes also had in his possession some of NAMBLA’s publications. Also convicted in the killing was 24 year old Salvatore Sicari. Sicari, convicted of first degree murder, is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Jaynes’ second degree murder and kidnapping convictions enable him to seek parole within the next 20 years. Was this a case of misunderstanding? Does this fit with NAMBLA’s philosophy of man/boy love that is non violent? Hardly. Prosecutors said Jaynes and Sicari were sexually obsessed with the boy, lured him from his Cambridge neighborhood with the promise of a new bike, and then smothered him with a gasoline soaked rag when he resisted their sexual advances. They then stuffed him into a concrete filled container and dumped it into a Maine river."
Sick? OK, I'll wait for you to grab a SevenUp or some saltines.
Now, this is the sort of filth that the ACLU seek to appease in their entirely ungodly alliance with Nambla. And we come back to those four elements of the RICO Act which if we had an attorney general with enough balls we could easily break those filthy bastards under that act...and then bust Nambla under the same act to boot! THINK ABOUT IT!
Back to that Boston Herald article:
"But even supporters of the bill such as Plymouth County District Attorney Michael J. Sullivan admitted the law will be tough to enforce because it will involve monitoring private activities in the home or on a personal computer.
"Detection obviously is going to be a challenge," he said.
And civil rights lawyers scoffed at the notion the bill will pass constitutional muster."
I can't see why we mayn't be able to trace child pornography if we can trace terrorist activity...but more importantly it is going to come down to us to start busting child pornographers online and those efforts are being aided by law enforcement and by websites like this one. And BTW that law would most certainly pass constitutional muster considering the grave impact child pornography would impose upon the general public!
Illegal immigration is constantly in the news day and night, 24X7X366. Most Americans, irrespective of skin colour, age, ancestry, sex, or sexuality, are increasingly opposed to people jumping the much that an organisation formed in order to monitor the borders to check for gaps in the Immigration and Naturalisation Service's and the Border Patrol's efforts.
What you may or may not also know is the ACLUnatics have been front and centre in their efforts to oppose the Minuteman Project---in fact they harassed the organisation by interfering with their efforts to help enforce immigration laws and the borders by falsely branding them as "racists" and setting up warning systems and advising illegal aliens not to cross the border where Minuteman Project volunteers were working in Arizona. Sounds like the Minuteman Project are within their rights to sue the ACLUnatics for defamation of character and libel...and could crush them with a bootheel from HELL.
The ACLU even have an "Immigration Rights Project" which for 19 years has worked to find ways to flout US immigration laws. And this is on top of their move to ask a Los Angeles court to allow illegal immigrant groups to intervene in Judicial Watch's Special Order 40 Lawsuit in September 2006.
Earlier this year the ACLU complained about immigration law reforms stripping away the due process rights of illegals...showing you just how far off course immigration law enforcement has really gone.
I just found another THREE sections of the RICO Act with which we can indict the ACLUnatics which apply in this situation and they are as follows:
Section 1425 (relating to the procurement of citizenship or nationalization unlawfully)
Section 1426 (relating to the reproduction of naturalization or citizenship papers)
Section 1427 (relating to the sale of naturalization or citizenship papers)
In addition, because such activities invariably involve forged government documents like passports and drivers licences and visas, we find that these articles ALSO warrant prosecution under the following acts:
Section 1542 (relating to false statement in application and use of passport)
Section 1543 (relating to forgery or false use of passport)
Section 1544 (relating to misuse of passport)
Section 1546 (relating to fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents)
The ACLU have even been known to defend illegal aliens' supposed rights to welfare payments. Therefore I propose that we also charge them under the following section of the act:
Section 1954 (relating to unlawful welfare fund payments)
How many charges could we file in this case? I could think of no fewer than 15 counts of RICO Act violations...and that is only the tip of a massive iceberg in which we could nail the ACLU for hundreds if not thousands of RICO Act violations...and George Romero, the ACLU President, would be amongst those headed to federal prison where they belong!
Is it any wonder talk radio host Mark Levin calls them the American Criminal Liberties Union?
And since I wrote the preceding paragraphs of this article 21 months ago, in October 2006, the ACLUnatics have engaged in yet even MORE dangerous activities.
Currently they have joined several anti-democracy, anti-family, anti-real marriage fascist organisations hellbent on forcing a totalitarian agenda in the name of the thin minority of people who happen to be homosexual, in their effort to interfere with Californians' right to vote on the legality of homosexual marriage. And such organisations have already successfully gotten away with interfering with the will of the Massachusetts people to engage in the same activity, with the ACLUnatics even levelling false charges of assault and battery against an innocent man innocently protesting that state's gay marriage laws.
Responsible homosexuals should insist that George Romero and the rest of his organisation at the ACLU gang stop trying to deface the great culture of the United States of America in the name of "diversity", "tolerance", or "equality". Those three are code words for "we will force our fringe minority viewpoint on the American people whether they like it or not", basically, they are codes for socialism, totalitarianism, tyranny, and other Marxist concepts.
And at least some of us are asking what do homosexuals need marriage for anyway. They already have the ability to declare anyone a beneficiary, they have the ability to declare who can visit them in hospital, and so forth.
They cry for "equal rights", yet they ALREADY have equal rights, they ALREADY have equal opportunity. The problem is a few radicals are screaming for special recognition of their lifestyle and therefore screaming for special rights. Contrary to seemingly popular misbelief this is NOT analogous to the civil rights battles of the 1950s and 1960s when there REALLY WERE genuine discrepancies between how Caucasians were treated and how Negroes were treated. And as a result of the radicals' false comparison, most Negroes today are justifiably offended at the weak excuse for a comparo.
And what is with the constant attempts to redefine discrimination anyway, even to the point of throwing temper tantrums about antidiscrimination bills that don't go their way?
Their ilk are the type of folks forcing such draconian homonazi measures that in their quest to defend homosexuals they attack innocent people innocently expressing a constructive moral objection to homosexuality to the point where a professor can get dumped from his or her job simply for stating their beliefs on this topic! Evidently they don't believe in the First Amendment --- UNLESS the person's words jibe with their beliefs so they push for "hate crimes" laws that criminalise criticism of their sexuality.
The radicals are the VERY reason people are feeling resentful toward their results. Time to exclude those with irrational partisan hatred from these debates. The hotheads who cry about the need to tamper with marriage because it doesn't go their way in civilised society are the first who should be locked out of the debate. Then we target those who want to force "tolerance" by behaving INtolerantly toward those who disagree with them on moral grounds, and knock them out of the debate as well. Crying because you know that the people are vigourously against the imposition of same sex marriage DOES NOT excuse you to abuse the courts and force your will --- which is most certainly NOT held even by the majority of homosexuals anyway --- will draw only MORE outrage and venom.
And there is ALREADY TOO MUCH of that in this case!
I have already explained that I have stood in solidarity with a homosexual teen who simply wanted to wear a couple of homosexual pride tee shirts to school. (I would do it again in a heartbeat too.) I should also tell you that I learnt how to shoot revolvers and handguns from a lesbian couple 20 years ago. One of them had a .44 Magnum --- "The most powerful handgun in the world, and it could blow your head clean gotta ask yourself a question...Do I feel lucky...Well, do ya, punk?!"--- that chestnut from the Dirty Harry films.
So you could say that LGBT folks sort of HELPED me understand the importance of the First AND Second Amendments.
Back to the ACLUnatics on other RICO Act Violations: They have sought to interfere with the executive branch's authority to conduct necessary investigations on terror suspects, thus bringing in the Immigration and Nationality Act, Sections 274 and 277 into play. Sounds like a real criminal enterprise at work, don't you think?
But then again what do you expect from a gang of misfits that claim that crossdressing men supposedly are entitled to enter women's restrooms? Sounds like they may be encouraging other criminal conduct, including rape. Do women NOT have the civil liberty not to expect to be raped when using public restrooms? Of course they do. Problem is we have to take great care to prevent the occasional pervert from slipping through the cracks.
And then there are their efforts to interfere with the religious freedom of midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy. This ties in perfectly with both the ACLU's socialist roots and the Marxist aim of eliminating religion from society.
One thing is very abundantly clear: The American Civil Liberties Union have clearly gone way overboard and over the top in their efforts to force neosocialist totalitarianism, not unlike that of the Castro, Chavez, Mugabe, Mengistu, Hitler, Mao, and Il regimes. Attorney General Michael Mukasey should authorise investigations into the ACLUnatics and make an effort to shut them down. The charges are clearly in place and it would be a moderately difficult yet provable and credible case; such principals as George Romero could easily be led off to prison where they belong, with the ACLUnatics' assets being frozen and liquidated at auction, and the proceeds used to fund necessary government functions such as corrections facilities or highway construction.
And maybe we could start breathing a sigh of belief. We could wind up feeling like we live in America again...instead of the fringe leftist cloudcuckooland of Disturbia.
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